Set Up Computed Attributes
Of course, each product (as any other thing in the world) can be described in many different ways. For example, we can say that this bike weighs 16 pounds and has 20 inch-wheels and an 89-inch frame. We can also say that it's light and easily portable and makes a good match for commuters. Which do you think the prospect would like to hear:
The exact size of a stroller or if it will fit into a standard car?
List of material used to make a drill or if it can be used to work with the stone?
Parameters or qualities?
If you feel that your audience is better approached with less technical details, computed attributes are exactly what you need! You can define rules and Product Finder 360 will show your prospects easy-to-comprehend qualities, rather than a set of technical parameters.
From this article you will learn how to:
Add a computed attribute
Define the attribute values
Define when each of the values shall be displayed
1. Add a Computed Attribute
To add a computed attribute:
For example, we'll create an "easily portable" attribute for a bike collection. Let it be a boolean value. |
2. Define the Attribute Value
Once the slider has been enabled, you can add the values of the attribute.
Subject to the value type, you will have to enter the value or select it from the drop-down.
Text Value Added (enter the value) | Boolean Value Added (select the value) |
3. Set Up the Rules
For each value, you can define the rules that will help Product Finder 360 understand if this value should be applied. For example, we'll consider our bike "easily portable" if its wheels are less than 25 inches and the frame is shorter or equals 168 cm. |
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Let's say, that we also want the bike to be treated as "easily portable" if its wheel size is lower than 25 inches and it is a foldable bike. In this case, we need to allocate our rules into groups.
4. Finalize
To finalize the setting up, click the "Add new" button. The editor will appear, and the new attribute will be added.
The rules will be applied, and the values will be calculated.
Remember that the setting changes will be applied only after you've Published this version of the Product Finder.