Create and Manage Answer-Based Sorting Rules


Answer-Based Sorting Rules (AKA Sorting Criteria) are one of the Product Finder 360's sorting tools used to define an order in which the products shall be displayed in the Matching and Alternative Products sections of the Results Page. 

You can read more about different sorting tools in the dedicated article, and this article is mainly devoted to step-by-step instructions on how to create and manage the rules. However, let us remind you of some basic details:

Answer-Based Sorting Rules are applied if a specific answer has been given by the customer and they take precedence over the default sorting. For example, you can define that if the user has selected an answer "I'd like to find a cheaper option", you can make the price sorting more important. All the default rules will be applied next.

The earlier the rule has been introduced, the higher it is in the hierarchy. So, if there is the rule "Sort by product type" for the answers of the first question, and the rule "Sort by price" at the next question, the products displayed in the results will be sorted by the product type, and the product with the same product time will be sorted by their price, etc. 


If the rule at any of the next questions defines sorting by an attribute that has been used in a preceding rule, the preceding rule will be ignored.

1. Create an Answer-Based Sorting Rule

Answer-based sorting rules are created in the Question Bank. 

Select the question and answer, to which the rule shall be tied (the rule will be applied if the customer has given this answer). 

The section you are interested in is "Sorting criteria"




To create a sorting rule, click the "+SORTING RULE" button.

Define the attribute and attribute of the sorting. 


For example, if the customer has chosen the "I am a traditionalist" answer, the products shall be sorted by category (descending).


If you want the products with the same category to be sorted by some other attribute, add another sorting rule below. (Click the "+SORTING RULE" button)


In this example, the product will be sorted by their category. Those with the same category will be sorted by price. And those with the same category and price will be sorted: women-specific first and non-women-specific after them. The products with the same category, price, and women-specific setting will be sorted in compliance with the default sorting rules

To finalize the sorting changes for this answer click the "Apply" button at the bottom.  


Once you've clicked the Apply, this will save all and any changes you've made in the "Recommendation logic" section (not only sorting).

2. Edit Sorting Rules

When you open the question in the question bank, it will contain, all the existing sorting criteria. You can:

  • Change the order of rules

  • Add new rules

  • Delete rules

2.1. Change the Rules Order

To change the order of rules, click on the movement icon to the left from the rule, and drag it. 

In the new sorting, the products of the same category will be sorted - women-specific first, and not women-specific next. 

And women-specific bikes of the same category will be sorted by price. 

2.2. Add Rules

If you want to add another level of sorting, add another sorting rule below. (Click the "+SORTING RULE" button)


2.3. Delete Rules

In order, to delete a rule, click the trash-bin icon to its right.

2.4. Finalize or Discard the Changes

Once you've changed the order of the rules, added or deleted some rules, click the "Apply" button. 

Click "Discard changed" to return to the previous version of the Recommendation logic settings. 


Once you've clicked the Apply or Discard, this will affect all and any changes you've made in the "Recommendation logic" section (not only sorting).

3. How Different Rules Affect Each Other

The rules related to the same answer are applied in their order.

So, in our example, the product will be sorted by their category.
Those with the same category will be sorted by price.
And those with the same category and price will be sorted: women-specific first and non-women-specific after them.

The products with the same category, price, and women-specific setting will be sorted in compliance with the default sorting rules

If the rule at any of the next questions defines sorting by an attribute that has been used in a preceding rule, the preceding rule will be ignored.

For more clarity, let's an example. 

The sorting rule to answer 1, chosen by the customer, reads as: 

  1. Category - Descending

  2. Price - Ascending 

  3. women_specific - Descending

The sorting rule to answer 2, chosen by the customer later than answer 1, reads as: 

  1.  Manufacturer - Ascending

  2. Price - Descending

After the customer has given an answer to, the products will be sorted as follows: 

  1. Category - Descending

  2.  women-specific - Descending

  3. Manufacturer - Ascending

  4. Price - Descending

Which means, that the products will be sorted by their category. Products of the same category will be displayed in two groups: women-specific and then not women-specific. In each of the groups, the products will be sorted by their manufacturer, and products of the same manufacturer will be sorted by price. The products with the same category, women-specific quality, manufacturer, and price, will be sorted in compliance with the default sorting rules.