Integrate Your Product Finder to a Marketplace on Shopify
Once your Product Finder is ready and published, you can integrate it into the Webpage. This article describes how to integrate your digital Product Finder into a marketplace on Shopify. The main steps are similar to any other Product Finder integration:
Create an integration page for the Product Finder on Shopify
Create one or several entry points, i.e. links to the integration page
The three steps are also described in the general Integrate the Product Finder to Your Webpage article. You can also use our dedicated guides if you've got a shop on Magento or Woocommerce.
0. Preconditions
To successfully integrate your digital Product Finder the following conditions have to be met:
1. Create the Integration Page on Shopify
To create a separate page for your Product Finder, open your Shopify Admin Dashboard, and add a new page to the store.
2. Paste the Integration Code
Follow the Add Content to a Webpage guide for Shopify and click the Show HTML button in the editor.
Go to the ‘Navigation Integration’ tab at the top of the screen and click the "Copy to clipboard" button
Code will emerge
Paste the integration code into the "Content" field and save the page.
3. Create Entry Point(s)
Now, as soon as someone has entered the integration page URL, they will see your Product Finder. However, your customers need to somehow get there. This is why your market-place should contain some links - "entry points" to the Product Finder - this may be a direct link, a banner, or any phrase or object in your marketplace linked to the integration page.
You can create one or several entry points that will direct your customers to the first question of the Product Finder or to a specific preset point in the Product Finder (e.g. as if the customers have already chosen a specific type of product or manufacturer).
You can find more details and some of the good entry point examples in the dedicated article.
Should you face any problems integrating with Magento, please kindly contact our support – we are always happy to help.